Thursday, May 29, 2008

Out in the west Texas town of El Paso....

Well, we made it to El Paso. Dad and I left Longview Tuesday morning at 6:00 headed for El Paso via Austin. It’s a little out of the way, but Dad had a proposal to drop off in Austin. We made it to Austin by 10:30, and then spent the afternoon running around there in Austin. We escaped Austin around 6ish that evening and headed on. Around 11:30 we reached Fort Stockton and called it a night. We got up the next morning (Wednesday) and drove 3 more hours to make it here. The afternoon was spent sightseeing and checking out a few of the projects Dad is working on here. Last night Dad and I went to the El Diablos baseball game, a minor league team here in El Paso.

This morning I got up early and went for a bike ride. I decided to climb the transmountain highway that runs through the Franklin Mountains. I left my aunt and uncle’s house around 7:30, rode 9 miles to the start of the highway and began the climb. From there it was almost 5 miles of climbing to the peak. The maximum elevation was 5280 ft. (which is conveniently 1 mile high).

I rode a little farther to a picnic area that over looked the west side of the mountain, and then I turned around, descended the mountain and then rode back to the house. All in all it was a hard 30 miles. After not riding in a week, it probably wasn’t the smartest move to make that my first ride back, but it was a pretty good one none the less.

Oh, and I got my photo album going today. I put a few El Paso pics up just to test it out and make sure it works. There's a link on my website homepage, or you can just check it out at

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