Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Interval Training

Spring is here. The weather the last few weeks has been great (except for the tornado-like weather last weekend), and I've gotten the chance to go on a couple really nice rides.

With the time change and the sun staying out later, we've started back up interval training on Tuesday nights. Its the interval training that causes me to both love and hate Tuesdays. Basically, its a ten mile stretch of road and our group (there were 14 tonight) ride out going 3 minutes hard, 2 minutes easy (or easier) to the stop sign. Then we turn around, form a paceline and try to catch a couple of guys who rabbit out ahead of the pack. All together, its a 20 mile ride that goes by really fast. I think because there were so many people tonight, things got crazy, and we were flying.

Joseph and I got dropped by the group during the 2nd hard interval going out. We were going 31 mph up a pretty nice climb, and the pack was pulling away from us. Crazy fast... We sat up and cruised the rest of the wa out between 19-20, and waited for them to turn around.

On the way back in I was feeling a little better, but the group splintered when there was some confusion up front, and we all got spread out. I ended up riding back in at a decent pace with a couple guys, but all together it was a rough ride. Not to mention the wind seemed to blowing us sideways at times.

Anyways, I ended up riding 35 miles total tonight since I rode out there and back home once we were done. It was a good solid ride, and if the weather stays nice, hopefully a few of us can get a really long ride or two in this weekend.

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